Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What really happened at Benghazi ? Before, During, and After ? Enter the Whistleblowers

May 14, 2013

 The Facts Only : 
Just The Facts Please, No long pauses to think of an answer and, for sure,  no willful lies or "cover up". Please. Just The Facts.

> Before  9/11 Terror Attack : 

       There was incompetent leadership and wrong decisions made by Senior members of the State Department, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,  by ...

1. Denying requests for security and reinforcements in the months preceding
2. Failing to provide adequate security on the anniversary of 9/11 - the day of the attacks

> During  9/11 Terror Attack

    There were no military reinforcements sent during a full scale Terrorist Attack that raged on for over 7 hours - 2 American Heroes being killed a long time after the initial attack at the Consulate.

    A contingent of soldiers, ready to deploy from Tripoli,  was told to "stand down" by a superior officer - told not to board a plane leaving soon for Benghazi - and were not able to attempt a rescue or at least aid in the defense of  The Annex where

   Why was the xxxx shut out of the conversation, acc'd to (Whistleblower)  testimony

> After  9/11 Terror Attack

The Lies and the Cover -Up

President Obama in a press conference May 13, 2013 -  still acting like he told us all it was  Muslim Terror Attack for the beginning and certainly He did not.

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