Sunday, May 5, 2013

9/11 Benghazi : President Obama's Main Fiction Writer Ben Rhodes

Is Ben Rhodes, the former senior campaign speechwriter and now resident propagandist seated on the National Security Council nonetheless as  the loyal Obama player who altered the talking points on Benghazi and spearheaded the so-called "scrubbing" of the references to "Organized ... Pre Planned ... AlQaeda ... Terror Attack" ?

The New York Times chimed in on Rhodes declaring in recent headline caps that he is  "Worldly at 35(and) shaping Obama's Voice".  Rhodes is worldly so he should know about Libya and Benghazi. So how did "Obama's Voice"get in the hours after a 9/11 terror Attack on American citizens in Libya.

Enter Ben Rhodes, the speechwriter fiction-writer seated in the White House as a member of  the National Security Council, and when the Obama administration went before the American people they lied about what happened. They lied on purpose. Susan Rice lied on purpose. Lied knowing full well that the explanation they were giving was not accurate. What Ambassador Rice testified on TV that Sunday following the attack has since been proven to be a blatant lie.

Why ?  Many insiders knew what Susan Rice said was nonsense and had been made up as political expedience but who is so powerful that they can lie with approval about a 9/11 Terrorist attack ?

Who sent Susan Rice, United Sates U.N. Ambassador , to tell a lie to the entire world on September 16, 2012 - only 5 Days after the Islamists Terrorists murders ?

Why not just say we were attacked by Muslim Extremists ?

A 9/11 attack by Muslim Terrorists ?  Whoever heard of such a thing ?

President Obama  and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both blamed the Benghazi Terror Attack on a demonstration that never happened about a youtube video that no one saw. The White House and State Department's explanation of the assault in the days following the murders is an example of a Government lying to their citizens about events that the citizens themselves could not have direct knowledge of .

 The Government has the ability to give information abouts threats around the world, especially preSince 4 Americans were killed and an undisclosed number injuredThe Libyan President knew it was a Terror Attack. CIA Intelligence knew it was a Terror Attack. Special Operations in the area knew it was a Terror Attack. Ken Hicks the top American Diplomat in Libya knew it was a Terror Attack

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