Tuesday, May 14, 2013

What really happened at Benghazi ? Before, During, and After ? Enter the Whistleblowers

May 14, 2013

 The Facts Only : 
Just The Facts Please, No long pauses to think of an answer and, for sure,  no willful lies or "cover up". Please. Just The Facts.

> Before  9/11 Terror Attack : 

       There was incompetent leadership and wrong decisions made by Senior members of the State Department, including Secretary of State Hillary Clinton,  by ...

1. Denying requests for security and reinforcements in the months preceding
2. Failing to provide adequate security on the anniversary of 9/11 - the day of the attacks

> During  9/11 Terror Attack

    There were no military reinforcements sent during a full scale Terrorist Attack that raged on for over 7 hours - 2 American Heroes being killed a long time after the initial attack at the Consulate.

    A contingent of soldiers, ready to deploy from Tripoli,  was told to "stand down" by a superior officer - told not to board a plane leaving soon for Benghazi - and were not able to attempt a rescue or at least aid in the defense of  The Annex where

   Why was the xxxx shut out of the conversation, acc'd to (Whistleblower)  testimony

> After  9/11 Terror Attack

The Lies and the Cover -Up

President Obama in a press conference May 13, 2013 -  still acting like he told us all it was  Muslim Terror Attack for the beginning and certainly He did not.

Sunday, May 5, 2013

9/11 Benghazi : President Obama's Main Fiction Writer Ben Rhodes

Is Ben Rhodes, the former senior campaign speechwriter and now resident propagandist seated on the National Security Council nonetheless as  the loyal Obama player who altered the talking points on Benghazi and spearheaded the so-called "scrubbing" of the references to "Organized ... Pre Planned ... AlQaeda ... Terror Attack" ?

The New York Times chimed in on Rhodes declaring in recent headline caps that he is  "Worldly at 35(and) shaping Obama's Voice".  Rhodes is worldly so he should know about Libya and Benghazi. So how did "Obama's Voice"get in the hours after a 9/11 terror Attack on American citizens in Libya.

Enter Ben Rhodes, the speechwriter fiction-writer seated in the White House as a member of  the National Security Council, and when the Obama administration went before the American people they lied about what happened. They lied on purpose. Susan Rice lied on purpose. Lied knowing full well that the explanation they were giving was not accurate. What Ambassador Rice testified on TV that Sunday following the attack has since been proven to be a blatant lie.

Why ?  Many insiders knew what Susan Rice said was nonsense and had been made up as political expedience but who is so powerful that they can lie with approval about a 9/11 Terrorist attack ?

Who sent Susan Rice, United Sates U.N. Ambassador , to tell a lie to the entire world on September 16, 2012 - only 5 Days after the Islamists Terrorists murders ?

Why not just say we were attacked by Muslim Extremists ?

A 9/11 attack by Muslim Terrorists ?  Whoever heard of such a thing ?

President Obama  and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton both blamed the Benghazi Terror Attack on a demonstration that never happened about a youtube video that no one saw. The White House and State Department's explanation of the assault in the days following the murders is an example of a Government lying to their citizens about events that the citizens themselves could not have direct knowledge of .

 The Government has the ability to give information abouts threats around the world, especially preSince 4 Americans were killed and an undisclosed number injuredThe Libyan President knew it was a Terror Attack. CIA Intelligence knew it was a Terror Attack. Special Operations in the area knew it was a Terror Attack. Ken Hicks the top American Diplomat in Libya knew it was a Terror Attack

Saturday, May 4, 2013

9/11 Benghazi : The Youtube Video Story


Why blame a video ?

4 dead in the Boston Bombings and a nation is justifiably shocked, saddened and in an uproar.

4 dead in Benghazi and a nation is ... 

Remember that ? Oh my  “Benghazi we hardly knew ya, have a good day”.

Don’t remember Benghazi ? Well no wonder. It happened 8 months ago. 8 months is a long time. White House Press Secretary Jay Carney said this week that “Benghazi happened a long time ago.”

8 Months.
Remember Benghazi ?  9/11/2012 ? 

Oh please that is so “2012”.

A 9/11 Terrorist attack ?  Yeah remember that one ?  

Yeah the one last year.

How about a humble look back ?

     In the beginning Obama blamed it on a Video Made in America. Our free society spawned hatred again. We apologize and just hope you can put up with it.

    At an international forum on a world stage, President Obama said a man in California, USA  had produced a film mocking Islam and Mohammed. He said the video was the reason that certain Muslims had become enraged, began protesting in front of our Embassy in Benghazi, then "spontaneously" murdered 4 American patriots, including Ambassador Chistopher Stevens.

Obama spoke of a youtube video. He blamed the murders on a video that very few people had ever seen. The video was made in America.

    In essence, Obama apologized to the world and specifically the Muslims. He claimed a man used the freedom in America to make a video that is “disgusting, reprehensible,etc” and we do not agree with it and we are sorry it happened.
    Secretary Hillary Clinton went over the top to denounce this low budget hardly-viewed video and in special press conferences declared that We, as Americans, are sorry it was made and apologize for the content, etc. etc.

  U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice went on 5 - count them five - Sunday talk shows the same week as the attack and, speaking for the Obama Administration, blamed the attack on a "demonstration" about a "video".

That all sounds good right ? the only problem is ...

It is not true - The american made video had absolutely nothing to do with Benghazi !

The 9/11 Benghazi attack was a pre-planned attack by Islamic Terrorists with links to Al Qaeda. The President of Libya knew it immediately. American Intelligence on the ground in Benghazi knew it immediately and a Terrorist group claimed responsibility on social media sites right after the murders happened.

The youtube video had nothing to do with Benghazi.


So Who came up with the video story ?

Why would we apologize for a video made in america that represents someone's free speech ?

We should not apologize for the content, we should say that this man has a right to express his views even if you do not agree.  

   President Obama spoke before the United Nations and embarrassed and misrepresented the people of the  United States of America in two ways :

1. The Video had nothing to do with Benghazi

2. In America Anyone can make an anti-religious or anti-Mohammed Video anytime they want

Yes “Anti-Mohammed” video. Dear Muslims residents of the USA  are allowed to do that. That Californian resident, who has since been arrested by the Federal Government on unrelated charges - how convenient, has the right to depict Mohammed in “video” any way that he wants whether you agree or not. Thanks for asking.

Why apologize ?

Why apologize Mr. President ?

       Did you know at the time of your speech The 9/11 Terrorist attack in Benghazi had nothing to do with a Made In America Video.

Nothing. The attack had nothing to do with a Video. Nothing.

The President, in blaming a low budget video, implied an untruth or flat out lied. He either knew, at the time of the speech, that the murders were the result of a planned Al Qaeda related Terror attack or He didn’t . So then …

What did the President know ?

When did He know it ?

Why did he respond in such a way to a 9/11 Terror attack ?

Why is the enemy never Identified ?

In contrast when the 2001 9/11 attacks happened George Bush identified the enemy immediately and publicly named the Islamic Jihadists responsible and pointed at Bin Laden as the Most Wanted.

There was no talk of a “rush to judgment” or a “lets wait ‘til get all the facts” response. It was quick and to the point :

Muslim Extremists did this, in particular Al Qaeda, and we declare war on them. They are Terrorists who hate Americans and we are going to hunt them down and execute them to save ourselves. “

No talk of “Rush to Judgment”. No hesitation to say Muslim. or Jihad. or Jihadist. The simple truth is we went in immediately and shut down businees-as-usual for Al Qaeda in Afghanistan with carpet bombs, hell-fire, and damnation.  No talk of “Rush to Judment”. No failure to identify the enemy without pause or apology.

Why Apologize?  Why did President Obama give the mea culpa to the the U.N. gathering ?

    Even if the murders were indeed caused by a “spontaneous demonstration resulting from (an American made) video, Obama could have used that grand forum to speak on the evil of not allowing people to make any video they want to make.

  Tell the Muslim extremists we allow people to make any video they want thank you. We do not make our citizens agree with your religious rules about blasphemy and in a free country you are allowed to criticize “other people’s religion”. Thanks for asking. Why not say you are wrong who oppose religious freedom ?

Did President Obama confidently defend Freedom of Speech before the world ?

No he did not -  He apologized for his own lie.

The Obama administration, including Susan Rice and Hillary Clinton, lied about why the Benghazi attacks took place. They lied about who did it. They lied about who knew what and when they knew it .  

Most of all they denied security help in general for the embassy and specificall denied help and reinforcements at the time of the attack. Either the order “Stand Down” or total negligence or worse - someone ignored the call for help - someone said no to American soldiers under attack . The Obama administration did not send help at all during the attacks and apologized for  American free speech in front of the world.

4 Americans murdered on 9/11/2012 by Muslim Extremists led by Al Qaeda operatives.

Only problem was it happened during a presidential election where “Bin Laden is dead and Al Qaeda is on the run”. Uh Oh .  

There has been an obvious effort downplay and “walk” the Benghazi attack by the White House and State Department. Slow and easy on the facts. No Rush to Judgment.

This is how that works :

1. you say you don’t want to “rush to judgment” that gets you about 2- 3 months and in this case gets you past the current election.

2. hang in there and hope it all goes away, just say you are still investigating and “those responsible will be brought to justice”. That will get you maybe 2- 3 additional months White House Press Secretary Jay

3. blame it on partisan politics, say the republicans are involved in a political witch hunt to bring down President Obama and that they, the dreaded republicans, are making a big deal of nothing. there goes Issa on a partisan rant along with Gowdy, etc.

So the whole sordid episode is at Step 3. Obama is still hoping it will all go away.

In the meantime maybe someone will ask the questions :

> Why have no suspects been named ?  

>Why no progress reports on the investigation ?

>What did President Obama know on the day of the attacks ?  When did He know it?
  What was he doing ? What did he see, why did he act the way he did ?

> Why were no troops / special forces sent to defend our soldiers over a period of 8 hours ?

> Why did the Obama administration say it was caused by a video made in America ?

> Why did Susan rice invite herself for unscheduled appearances on 5 sunday talk shows where she laid out the Obama explanation of “spontaneous attacks resulting from a video”

> Why was Obama allowed by the media to pretend he had always called the Benghazi 9/11 attack  “Terrorism” ?  In the 2nd presidential debate , moderated by CNN’s Candy Crowley, when everyone knew Obama, Jay Carney, and the entire State Department had not made any official declaration that Benghazi was terrorist attack. Most mainstream media outlets either downplayed the “Muslim Extremists” / “Al Qaeda” connection or ignored the story completely.

May 2013 Update - 8 Months later - No one has been arrested. No one has been even named as a possible terrorist. No organization has been mentioned. No talk of Muslim Extremists. No discussion of possible Al Qaeda links. No Jihadis have been spoken of.

No one has been arrested. Has anyone been questioned ?  What is the status of the investigation ?  Can we at least say Muslim Extremists / American-Hating Jihadists did this ?
And can we be updated on the progress of the investigation ?  Please Mr. President and members of the watchdog media can we get some answers ?  Answers would be good.

Maybe the hearings on May 8 will begin the revelation of what really happened on 9/11 2012.